Welcome to Spring Brook Academy
It is my privilege, as Executive Headteacher, to welcome you to Spring Brook Academy, an Ofsted rated 'good' school where quality teaching and learning take place.
Spring Brook Academy is a special school that provides an educational offer for children and with SEMH difficulties.
As part of the New Bridge Group & Multi Academy Trust, we share our school's mission statement, “Learning together, learning for all, learning for life” with the MAT and this is at the heart of everything we do.
It is our belief that all children and young people, whatever their background or ability, will achieve their full potential and become valued and participating members of our community.
Mr Andrew Howard, Executive Headteacher
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Our School's Mission:
At the heart of our school's mission, “Learning together, learning for all, learning for life,” is the belief that all our pupils, whatever their background or ability, will be successful and valued.

Kind Words and Testimonials
- "This is a good school."OFSTED, 2023
- "Staff develop strong and close relationships with pupils, parents and carers, so that pupils’ needs are fully met and supported well."OFSTED
- "Pupils’ personal development and welfare is strong. From often very low starting points, pupils make good progress. This is because they receive full support, guidance and excellent care from the dedicated staff team."OFSTED
- "Pupils said they feel safe in school."OFSTED
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